7 most useful video types and why you need to be doing them for growth in 2020

87% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool. It is safe to say that social media is dominated by video content and the consumers love them much more than text or images. This pretty much means that if you are not utilising video marketing in 2020, you are definitely missing out on great opportunities.

A vast amount of brands have capitalized on social media by utilising what we call content marketing. This is basically a shift in the mindset of “selling” into providing “content” that potential customers love to consume. The goal is not to sell but rather start to interact and engage with the customers in order to create and nurture a relationship, which ultimately may result in a sell.

As we’re in the mobile marketing era, Marketers cannot afford to ignore the fact that content is mostly consumed on the mobile platform with video being at the very top. Video makes for content that is engaging for the consumers. Let’s take a look at a few stats and figures 

  1. Every month, 80% of internet users (a lot of them come from Sydney and Australia wide) consume video content. 

  2. By 2021, the average person will spend up to 100 minutes watching video content each 

  3. Over half of video content is watched on mobile devices.
  4. 92% of people who watch videos on their mobile devices will share videos with others.

Video content marketing shouldn’t be too difficult to implement. The first step is about knowing what type of video content your audience would love to watch. The team at Paper Cranes have put together ideas on the most trending videos types in 2020.

  1. Let’s have a look at the 7 most useful video types:

    1. Company Profile Videos
    2. Testimonial or Case Study videos
    3. Educational videos
    4. Event videos 

    5. Product Review/demonstration videos 

    6. Branded content videos

    7. Interactive Virtual Tours/ Virtual Reality

    Now that we know the different types of videos, let’s take a look at them in more detail.

Company Profile Videos:

Company profile Videos can be a great marketing tool when done well because your audience needs to get to know more about your brand’s values and history to develop a stronger reason of why they should choose to support you. Company Profile videos should be updated regularly and focus on the “why”, not so much about the “what” or the “how” although all three will definitely show naturally anyway. This is when the goal is not about making people think, but to make people feel a certain way about your brand. Moreover, the impact of this video is not only going to be felt by your customers but also by the people within the business as well. They will develop a sense of great pride knowing that the business.

serves a great purpose and they are a part of that as well.

Looking to get a Brand Hero video done? Paper Cranes offers video production in Sydney and we’ve told the stories of many great and reputable brands.

Testimonial / Case Study Videos:

As customers our selves, we like to see things that we can relate with. If we see someone that has a similar situation with us and pretty much the same problem or need, we would love to know how they come to solve it. Testimonial videos are one of the most powerful video content to get traction and gain trust as you are creating a space where people can start to see themselves as the customer of the brand. The key for this to succeed is to get real and satisfied customers who can share their feedback and validate the product or service but as importantly (and I may argue it to be slightly more) also someone that can draw that emotion out of them. I believe every business should at least have case study videos on their website and social platforms. We usually would do this by conducting interviews with the customer(s) and filming relevant B-ROLL footage to push the story forward.

Educational Videos:

It is very important to educate your customers and most of us like to be educated as long as it is in a non-threatening and safe environment – mobile phones and desktop satisfy that criteria. This is particularly useful especially if your business is dealing with products/services that are not very generic and require a bit more understanding in order to make the decision to purchase. If your customers lack the understanding, they will most likely lack the appreciation as well.

Event Videos:

Event videos are pretty much a no-brainer to have if you are conducting events as part of your business operations or marketing purposes. It is one of the best investments that you will ever put in your event because now you are making the event to last longer, have far more reach and to become an asset that can be reused/repurposed into other video content in the future.

When we approach event videos, we are in the total content maximizing mode. We want to create not only the event hero video itself, but also testimonial videos from the attendees, educational videos from the keynote speakers and even product videos of what being shown at the event. The opportunities are endless because all elements in that event are connected to your brand.

Product Review/Demonstration Videos:

Product review videos are one of the most effective and helpful amongst type of video content, especially for the audience who are just entering the sales funnel. When you are reviewing a product or service you are addressing common questions and doubts that the consumers may have, this is also the perfect opportunity to really win them over and close the sale. The video needs to be efficient, concise and relevant to what the consumer is wanting to see.

Branded Content Videos:

Sometimes a smarter way of selling is by not focusing on the actual product or services itself but more onto the story where it can shine. We can create a video where we tell a compelling story and include your product or services as the hero and therefore creating a great sense of awareness and at the same time a potentially viral video.

Virtual Reality Videos or Virtual Tour Videos:

Virtual Reality or Virtual Tour Videos are great especially as most consumers are stranded and limited by social distancing during the Covid 19 pandemic era. This means that consumers can actually experience a product or service simply by using their smartphones or desktop computers. Interestingly, Virtual Videos are thriving, with the projection reckoning that the global revenue of the VR market will touch $21.5B in 2020. Our virtual reality videos are focusing on the interactive elements of the experience, which makes it easier to engage with potential customers.

If you’re a business looking to promote your products or services by creating engaging videos. Get in touch with Paper Cranes that provides high qualityl Video Production Services in Sydney and we’d love to have a chat about your next project.