Why is corporate video so important? What are the things to consider?

A corporate video is quintessential for any organisation in these modern times. 

Some of the reasons as to what a corporate video provides are below:

  1. Showcases your company/organisation profile
  2. Explains the products/services provided by you
  3. Creates a feel-good impression about your brand and your work
  4. Provides trust in your work via portfolio showcase
  5. Features your key people and is a way to acknowledge their importance for you with this video
  6. Helps increase your brand awareness as video content gets a lot more consumption than other forms of content.
  7. It acts as an elevator pitch for your organisation.
  8. Can act as a trailer for your official YouTube channel (the second biggest search engine in the world is YouTube)

But in amongst all the points above – Trust is the most crucial one. Trust alone can clinch deals for your brand.

I guess you now understand how crucial a corporate video is. 

So, let’s get to the next part.

What are the things you need to consider while making your corporate video?

  1. Brief for the video production company: We at Paper Cranes believe in the power of a good brief for any of the corporate videos we have produced so far in Sydney. A brief from the organisation helps a video production company such as Paper Cranes understand the expectations clearly. 
  2. Budget for the corporate video: The second key point is to understand how much video production quality is needed and the budget allocated for the corporate video. A balance has to made between the video production company and corporate regarding the quality aspect.
  3. Research and preliminary footage: Based on the brief provided and the budget-quality agreed, information and footage collection starts. Once we have an audit of the entire stock available, the team sits with the corporate members and plans the shoot. 
  4. The pre-production planning stage: This stage involves sketching up the storyboard for the video and planning out the shooting schedule.
  5. Video Shoot: Also known as production stage. Once the schedule is frozen, to avoid any ad hoc extra costs, we try to account for a safety margin as well. This way, the reserve budget can help in cases of dire need.
  6. The post-production or video editing stage, the actual video is made in this stage. Once the video footage is over, we map out the video as per the storyboard. Plan the B-roll and the kind of edit/cuts to from the footage. The final production quality usually gets reviewed thrice internally before being sent for client review.
  7. The marketing and distribution plan. The video after production undergoes customisation for individual platforms. Post publishing, the distribution and ad budgeting has to be done in sync with the objectives of the client. 

Hope the above explained the process using which one can get a corporate video done using a video production company. 

If you are looking to get a corporate video done for your company as well, whether you are in Sydney or somewhere else, please feel free to enquire with us for a no-obligation quote. https://papercranes.com.au/contact/